Student Spotlight: Olivia Dioli
Questions & Answers
Why did you choose Chemistry?
I chose chemistry because it was the class I found most engaging in high school. Once I got to NC State I learned about the wide variety of applications for chemistry, and the amazing opportunities that NC State’s Chemistry Department has to offer. After that I decided I was here to stay!
What are you involved in outside of Chemistry?
I am an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Muddiman’s group. I am also the president of Alpha Chi Sigma professional chemistry fraternity, a College of Sciences Ambassador, and in the Chemistry Honors program. With my free time, I love going to the gym and spending time with friends!
How do these activities complement your future plans in Chemistry?
Research has taught me how to think independently and be confident in my skills as a chemist. My other activities have taught me a lot of interpersonal and conflict management skills. I have also learned the importance of time management when it comes to balancing your work with your activities outside the classroom.
What advice would you give today’s young scientists?
Never forget about what got you excited about science in the first place! It is much easier to get through the hard parts of work and research if you are passionate about what you do and you find meaning in your work.
Fill in the blank:
When I am not in Dabney, I am at Carmichael Gym!
It is important for me to prioritize the things I enjoy doing and not just working all the time, so I head to the gym a few times each week to clear my head.
My favorite place to eat is Howling Cow!
I like to treat myself after an exam to a scoop of Wolf Tracks.
In my lifetime scientists will discover …
Strategies to engineer solid organs for organ transplants. Regenerative medicine is a fascinating area of research that involves repairing or re-growing cells, tissues, and organs for disease treatment. This technology has the potential to eliminate the need for organ donors. Some types of tissues have already been used in clinical settings, and I am optimistic that eventually we will be able to grow solid organs for transplant patients as a normal medical practice.
In one word, my experience at NC State has been motivating!
Everyone I work with, especially the other members of my research team, work extremely hard every day and that motivates me to do the same to achieve my goals.