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Erin Baker Selected as Spring 2021 Impact Scholar

Some of the STIR Program 2021 Scholars pictures

After a competitive process, twelve members of the NC State faculty and staff community were selected for the inaugural Spring 2021 Impact Scholars cohort as part of the Strengthening The Impact of Research (STIR) program. The 12 Impact Scholars represent nine colleges and two research institutes, bringing a variety of backgrounds and levels of experience.

Dr. Erin Baker, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry within the College of Sciences, was selected as one of the spring 2021 Impact Scholars who will attend a series of workshops throughout the semester designed to help them write more-competitive proposals and strengthen the societal impacts of their innovative research. The Impact Scholars will also conduct similar workshops within their respective departments.

The STIR program seeks to enhance NC State’s capacity to design and conduct research with broad impacts on society.

Learn more about the Impact Scholars here.