TA Course Descriptions
Chemistry 100 – Lab and Grading/Proctoring
Chemistry for non-science majors. TA duties include (1) teaching two 50-minute laboratory section(s), (2) grading of lab assignments, and (3) proctoring and grading for one CH100 lecture section. This assignment is typically paired additional CH102 lab sections which also includes (4) sit-in (for first-year students) and (5) one two-hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH102 you are signed up for).
Chemistry 111 – Grading/Proctoring
Preparatory Chemistry. TA duties include participation at the Chemistry Tutorial Center for a 1-2 hrs/week, proctoring scheduled exams, assisting with intercalating a sheet from OMR into the exam question set and placing exams in the boxes at the back of DAB222 and/or DAB124. TAs for CH 111 should consult with lecturer to determine when test proctoring and grading will occur for the semester. First year grads are required to sit in the CH 111 lecture.
Chemistry 101 – Grading/Proctoring
First semester Freshman-level Chemistry Lecture: Meets 2-3 times-per-week depending on section. First year students teaching 101 recitations and/or 102 labs should sign up for sit-in of this lecture. All students teaching 101 recitations and/or 102 labs should sign up for grading of this lecture. Graders should consult with lecturer to determine when test proctoring and grading will occur for the semester.
Chemistry 101 – Problem Sessions
Chemistry 101 has problem sessions linked to each lecture section. See the section on Problem Session for more information. Problem Session TAs will be required to meet with the instructor of the associated CH 101 section once/week to discuss the material and possibly make up the problem session worksheet and/or key, conduct the session, and provide some type of grade or other assessment for each student (to be decided by the instructor). Instructors may also request that the TA administer and grade a short quiz periodically throughout the semester.
Sign up for a series of problem sessions that coincide with one section of CH 101 lecture. Otherwise, you will have to meet with more than one instructor. TA duties include (1) teaching the problem session(s) you are signed up for, (2) proctoring and grading for one CH101 lecture section, (3) sit-in (for first-year students) (4) meeting with the lecture instructor to review problem session problems and (5) one two-hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH102 you are signed up for). First-year students are required to sit-in on the section of CH101 coinciding with the problem session they are teaching. “Sit-in” is TA’s semester test scores in the lecture section. The goal of sit-in is to enhance a TA’s knowledge of the course content they are instructing and to provide a solid foundation for graduate level coursework. Contact the instructor of your section for grading assignments. Please use the recommended Package of Assigned Teaching. If you sign up for less than required or multiple instructors, we will reassign you to accommodate a better work flow. Learn more about Problem Sessions and Errors to Avoid.
Chemistry 102 – Lab
First semester Freshman-level Chemistry Lab: Meets every week. TA duties include (1) teaching the laboratory section(s) you are signed up for, (2) proctoring and grading for one CH101 lecture section, (3) sit-in (for first-year students) (4) grading lab reports via WebAssign and final grade submission and (5) one two-hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH102 you are signed up for). First-year students are required to sit-in on a section of CH101. “Sit-in” is TA’s semester test scores in the lecture section. The goal of sit-in is to enhance a TA’s knowledge of the course content they are instructing and to provide a solid foundation for graduate level coursework. Contact the instructor of your sit-in section for grading assignments. Students who are not teaching any CH101 problem sessions are allowed to choose which lecture sections they sit-in on. It is beneficial to grade and sit-in on the same section, but it is not required. In addition, several choices are given for tutorial center. Learn about errors to avoid when signing up for CH 102 & Problem Sessions.
Chemistry 103 – SE Problem Sessions Sections 001; 001A; 001B
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH SEs. CH 103 sections 001, 001A, and 001B are for “Scientists and Engineers” reserved for our majors. TAs who take these sections run the problem sessions as well as sit-in on lecture and grade for the lecture associated with each section.
Chemistry 104 – SE Lab
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH SEs. Similar to 102 labs except more focused and designed for science and engineering majors.
Chemistry 201 – Grading/Proctoring
Second semester Freshman-level Chemistry Lecture: Meets 2-3 times-per-week depending on section. Students should sign up for grading of this lecture when teaching 202 labs. TAs for CH 202 should consult with lecturer to determine when test proctoring and grading will occur for the semester.
Chemistry 202 – Lab
Second semester Freshman-level Chemistry Lab: Meets every week. First year students SHOULD NOT SIGN UP WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. TA duties include (1) teaching the laboratory section(s) you are signed up for, (2) proctoring and grading for one CH201 lecture section [NOTE: Some instructors require careful grading of exams, particularly working through the math on problems, etc], (3) sit-in (for students TAing for the first time) (4) grading lab reports via WebAssign and final grade submission and (5) one two-hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH202 you are signed up for). Contact the instructor of your section for grading assignments. “Sit-in” is TA’s semester test scores in the CH201 lecture section. The goal of sit-in is to enhance a TA’s knowledge of the course content they are providing instruction for and provide a solid foundation for graduate level coursework. Students are allowed to choose which lecture sections they sit-in on. It is beneficial to grade and sit-in on the same section, but it is not required. In addition, several choices are given for tutorial center.
Chemistry 203 – SE Problem Sessions Sections 401-404
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH SEs. Problem sessions associated with the CH 203 for ‘Scientists and Engineers’ — constituted for our majors and for people who we would be interested in becoming our majors. First-year students can only sign up for this with DGP permission. TA runs the problem sessions associated with this. In addition, the instructor generally requires the TA to sit-in on lecture and grade for the class.
Chemistry 204 – SE Lab
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH SEs. Similar to 202 labs except more focused and designed for science and engineering majors.
Chemistry 220 – Lab
One-semester Organic Chemistry Labs: Meets every other week. TAs generally pick pairs of sections, one that runs weeks 1, 3, 5, etc. and the other that runs at the same time and in the same room during weeks 2, 4, 6, etc. Combinations of A&B, C&D, E&F and G&I are suggested. TA duties include (1) teaching the laboratory section(s) you are signed up for, (2) proctoring and grading for one CH 221 lecture section [NOTE: Some instructors require careful grading of exams, particularly reaction mechanisms, synthesis problems, etc. and extra TLE points are awarded for this], (3) sit-in (for first-year students) (4) grading lab reports via WebAssign and final grade submission, and (5) one two hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH 220 you are signed up for). Contact the instructor of your section for grading assignments. “Sit-in” is TA’s semester test scores in the CH220 lecture section. The goal of sit-in is to enhance a TA’s knowledge of the course content they are instructing and to provide a solid foundation for graduate level coursework. Students are allowed to choose which lecture sections they sit-in on. It is beneficial to grade and sit-in on the same section, but it is not required. In addition, several choices are given for tutorial center.
Chemistry 221 – Grading/Proctoring
First semester Organic Chemistry Lecture: Meets 2-3 times-per-week depending on section. First year students teaching 222 labs should sign up for sit-in of this lecture. All students teaching 222 labs should sign up for grading of this lecture. Graders should consult with lecturer to determine when test proctoring and grading will occur for the semester.
Chemistry 222 – Lab
First semester Organic Chemistry Labs: Meets every other week. TAs generally pick pairs of sections, one that runs weeks 1, 3, 5, etc. and the other that runs at the same time and in the same room during weeks 2, 4, 6, etc. TA duties include (1) teaching the laboratory section(s) you are signed up for, (2) proctoring and grading for one CH 221 lecture section [NOTE: Some instructors require careful grading of exams, particularly reaction mechanisms, synthesis problems, etc. and extra TLE points are awarded for this], (3) sit-in (for first-year students) (4) grading lab reports via WebAssign and final grade submission, and (5) one two hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH 222 you are signed up for). Contact the instructor of your section for grading assignments. “Sit-in” is TA’s semester test scores in the CH221 lecture section. The goal of sit-in is to enhance a TA’s knowledge of the course content they are instructing and to provide a solid foundation for graduate level coursework. Students are allowed to choose which lecture sections they sit-in on. It is beneficial to grade and sit-in on the same section, but it is not required. In addition, several choices are given for tutorial center.
Chemistry 223 – Grading/Proctoring
Second semester Organic Chemistry Lecture: Meets 2-3 times-per-week depending on section. All students teaching 224 labs should sign up for grading of this lecture. Graders should consult with lecturer to determine when test proctoring and grading will occur for the semester.
Chemistry 224 – Lab
Second semester Organic Chemistry Labs — CH 224 meets every week and TAs sign up for two sections at different times. Check the room number and sign up for consecutive labs in the same room.
First-year students can only sign up for this with Instructor or DGP permission. TA duties include (1) teaching the laboratory section(s) you are signed up for, (2) proctoring and grading for one CH 223 lecture section [NOTE: Some instructors require careful grading of exams, particularly reaction mechanisms, synthesis problems, etc.], (3) sit-in (for first year students) (4) grading lab reports via WebAssign and final grade submission and (5) one two hour block in the tutorial center (irrespective of how many sections of CH224 you are signed up for). Contact the instructor of your section for grading assignments. “Sit-in” is TA’s attendance in the lecture section. “Sit-in” is TA’s semester test scores in the CH223 lecture section. The goal of sit-in is to enhance a TA’s knowledge of the course content they are instructing and to provide a solid foundation for graduate level coursework. Students are allowed to choose which lecture sections they sit-in on. It is beneficial to grade and sit-in on the same section, but it is not required. In addition, several choices are given for tutorial center.
Chemistry 225/227 – SE Problem Sessions Sections 001 A-C
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH SEs. Problem sessions associated with the CH223 section for ‘Scientists and Engineers’ — offered for our majors and for people who we would be interested in becoming our majors. First-year students may not sign up for these. TA runs the problem sessions associated with this. In addition, the instructor generally requires the TA to sit-in on lecture and grade for the class.
Chemistry 226/228 – SE Lab
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH SEs. Similar to 224 labs except more focused and designed for science and engineering majors.
Chemistry 230 & 232 – Lab
Computational Chemistry Lab (semesters 1 and 2). First-year students can only sign up for these with DGP permission, but instructor typically hand-picks senior grads to TA. Instructor may request that the same TA teaches all sections. TA duties include (1) teaching laboratory, (2) grading lab reports and (3) problem sessions. Contact the instructor for grading and problem session details.
Chemistry 315/316 – Lecture/Lab
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH. The instructor typically hand-picks senior grads for this. One student is picked to assist with the lecture, and the rest teach the labs. Grading is expected by both the lecture and the lab TAs. See instructor for details.
Chemistry 331, 401, 403, 431, 433, 435, 437
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH. Instructors typically hand-pick senior grads to TA. TAs will be responsible for grading exams/quizzes and holding problems sessions. See instructor for details.
Chemistry 442, 444, 452, 454
ONLY UPPER LEVEL (2nd YR+) GRADS MAY TEACH. Instructors typically hand-pick senior grads to TA. Advanced synthesis labs 1 and 2 and advanced measurement labs 1 and 2. TAs run these labs relatively independently and assume all duties with the operation of the laboratory, teaching laboratory, writing and grading quizzes and lab reports and working closely with the instructor. Contact the instructor for details.