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Student Presentations

To be completed before the end of the seventh semester. Students will give a minimum of five (5) presentations during the course of their Ph.D. studies:

  1. “Recruitment Weekend” poster presentation in your second year (see below)
  2. Oral presentation during their Preliminary Examination in your 5th semester
  3. Divisional or Departmental oral presentation(s)a (see below)
  4. Presentation (oral or poster) at a conference/meetingb (see below)
  5. Oral presentation as part of your Ph.D. defense

aYou are required to give an oral presentation on your research as part of either a Divisional or Departmental seminar program. Your committee members (excluding the graduate school representative) are asked to attend. If you choose to give a departmental seminar, this must be scheduled before the end of your 8th semester. If you are participating in a Divisional Seminar Course/Program, your committee will defer to the Divisional requirements. Feedback mechanisms (e.g., rubrics) may be provided as a part of the Divisional or Departmental seminar. Seminar grades will be assigned by the CH 810 instructor. The grades will be based on quality of delivery and of visuals, clarity and comprehensibility, timing. At the completion of the seminar, the student is required to inform the Chemistry Graduate Office by email about the successful completion of this requirement, copying the research advisor and divisional seminar instructor as well.

bYou are required to give a research presentation at a well-recognized, discipline-specific, national or regional meeting before the end of your 8th semester. The department will provide up to $500 in reimbursement for travel expenses. The successful completion of this requirement will be submitted to the Graduate Office. Not fulfilling this requirement will result in delay of graduation. For more information and details on the available funding, please refer to the Research Presentation at a National Meeting page. After completing the talk you will need to turn in to the Chemistry Graduate Office the title of your oral presentation or approved poster title (include presentation #). Also turn in the name, date and location of the national or regional conference/meeting where your presentation occurred.  If it is possible, please send a copy of the meeting’s schedule where your talk or poster title appears.

NOTE: Each division has developed specific requirements that go hand-in-hand with our general program requirements. This includes student presentations. Please review your corresponding divisional requirements and consult your advisor if you have any questions: Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical

SAMPLE Poster Requirements

Size: 32” H x 48” W

Recommended Printing Deadline: One week prior to event, please plan ahead (DO NOT wait until the last minute to print).

*Note: You are responsible for transporting your own poster to the venue

Printing Your Poster

You may print at Wolf Xpress located in Talley.  Please see the updated Large Format Printing Charge Form that will need to be completed and submitted to Wolf Xpress. Please plan ahead, Wolf Xpress does a great job with poster printing but they are not quick, AND last minute requests are not accommodated. Make sure you save the file for your poster as a compatible version of PowerPoint or a PDF (contact the printer to verify requirements) and take the electronic file to the printer. Tell the printer that you are with the Chemistry Department and that the cost of the job should be billed directly to us (BOX 8204). Reference FAS: 201585-11600 (place this on the Project ID # line on the form). To make sure it is charged correctly, contact Jackie Hughes (jlhughe3@ncsu.du) or Catherine Lull (, 513-4010) in DAB 320 for additional information.