2021 Virtual Recruitment Weekend
Congratulations on your admission to the Graduate program in Chemistry at NC State! You’re on this page because we’ve invited you to attend the Virtual Graduate Recruitment Weekend to be held on March 12-13, 2021. Below you’ll find detailed information about access, platform and schedules.
[ncst_acf_importer layout=”feature_content”]{“section_title”:”Weekend Schedule”,”url_text”:””,”url”:””,”no_background”:false,”number_of_columns”:”three-column”,”blocks”:[{“title”:”Friday March 12 “,”teaser”:”2-4 PM Zoom meet and greet with current PhD students, and introduction to the Virbela platform<br />\r\n4:30 PM Welcoming Remarks w/Director of Graduate Programs (Virbela)<br />\r\n5-7:30 PM 22nd Annual Poster Session (Virbela)<br />\r\n8-10 PM Virtual social hour w/current PhD students (Virbela)<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n”,”call-to-action”:””,”url”:””,”image”:false},{“title”:”Saturday March 13″,”teaser”:”9:30-11:30 AM Team suites (informal discussions for prospective students with current group members)<br />\r\n12 noon \u2013 3:30 PM meetings with faculty (similar to our in person weekend)<br />\r\n4:00-5:30 PM Graduate panels on diversity (Zoom)<br />\r\n5:30-7:00 PM Evening Q&A panel with current PhD students (Zoom)<br />\r\n7:30 – \u2026 Open social hour on Virbela (and/or Zoom) w/faculty”,”call-to-action”:””,”url”:””,”image”:false},{“title”:”Tours”,”teaser”:”We understand if you cannot make all events, but would still like you to participate as much as possible as we showcase our department. Pre-recorded tours of research labs, our campus & facilities and Raleigh will be available for viewing prior to the weekend. “,”call-to-action”:””,”url”:”https://chemistry.sciences.ncsu.edu/grad-handbook/virtual-recruitment-weekend-march-12-and-13-2021/video-tours-for-our-prospective-students/”,”image”:false}]}[/ncst_acf_importer]
Student Hosts
We will partner you with one of our senior graduate students who will serve as your host and will be available to answer your questions throughout the weekend. The hosts will have your email address and will contact you directly sometime prior to the start of the weekend.
[ncst_acf_importer layout=”link_list”]{“number_of_link_columns”:”one”,”links”:[{“link_text”:”Chemistry Graduate Student Association”,”link_url”:””}]}[/ncst_acf_importer]
Faculty Meetings
You will have the opportunity to meet with three or more of our faculty to discuss research interests on Saturday. We would like for you to pick at least three professors with whom you’d like to meet. Please review information about our research faculty on our website. We realize that once you have seen the posters at the Poster Session, you may want to make changes. If that is the case, you can make those changes on the Zoom format on Saturday.
[ncst_acf_importer layout=”feature_content”]{“section_title”:””,”url_text”:””,”url”:””,”no_background”:false,”number_of_columns”:”three-column”,”blocks”:[{“title”:”Virbela”,”teaser”:”Meet and Greet<br />\r\nPoster Session<br />\r\nSocial Hours”,”call-to-action”:””,”url”:””,”image”:false},{“title”:”Zoom”,”teaser”:”Office Meetings with Faculty<br />\r\nQ & A Panel with current PhD students with Breakout Rooms<br />\r\nHousing Information”,”call-to-action”:””,”url”:””,”image”:false},{“title”:”Lab Videos/Tours”,”teaser”:”Research Labs Tours<br />\r\nDepartmental Tours<br />\r\nUniversity Facility Tours<br />\r\nCampus Tour<br />\r\nHighlights of Raleigh Tour”,”call-to-action”:””,”url”:”https://chemistry.sciences.ncsu.edu/grad-handbook/virtual-recruitment-weekend-march-12-and-13-2021/video-tours-for-our-prospective-students/”,”image”:false}]}[/ncst_acf_importer]
22nd Annual Poster Session
Every year the Department of Chemistry hosts a Poster Session to showcase research of their PhD students, faculty, research groups, postdocs and staff. Over seventy posters are submitted and judged by a group of highly respected industry members and academic scholars.
The Department of Chemistry is grateful to our industry sponsors, BASF, The Eastman Chemical Company, Sealed Air, The Comparative Medicine Institute at NC State, Dr. David Muddiman and the Wolfpack Interdisciplinary Research Group.
The event is also an opportunity for recruits, current students, faculty and staff to network and develop their professional relationships. Judges will present awards and recognition of the submittals.
For those who are submitting posters to the 2021 virtual event, please refer to instructions on the Virbela Overview link below.
Useful Links
[ncst_acf_importer layout=”link_list”]{“number_of_link_columns”:”two”,”links”:[{“link_text”:”Faculty”,”link_url”:”https://chemistry.sciences.ncsu.edu/subgroup/faculty/”},{“link_text”:”Video Tours for Prospective Students”,”link_url”:”https://chemistry.sciences.ncsu.edu/grad-handbook/virtual-recruitment-weekend-march-12-and-13-2021/video-tours-for-our-prospective-students/”},{“link_text”:”NC State Rankings and Facts “,”link_url”:”https://www.ncsu.edu/about/rankings/”},{“link_text”:”Visit Raleigh”,”link_url”:”https://www.visitraleigh.com/plan-a-trip/visitraleigh-insider-blog/post/30-can-t-miss-things-to-do-in-raleigh-n-c-/”},{“link_text”:”Virbela Overview”,”link_url”:”https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OD2MZxYX44QdmOPzZVRMVecXRxTHrdVD/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1OD2MZxYX44QdmOPzZVRMVecXRxTHrdVD/view?usp=sharing”}]}[/ncst_acf_importer]
[ncst_acf_importer layout=”storybook”]{“section_title”:”We would like to thank the Eastman Chemical Company, our Virbela and Zoom sponsors.”,”image_alignment”:”right”,”stories”:false}[/ncst_acf_importer]