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Student Organizations-old

American Chemical Society (ACS)

The American Chemical Society has provided more than a century of service to the science and profession of chemistry, taking a special interest in the development of chemical sciences, in the role of the chemistry professional, in chemical education, in public affairs and the formulation of government policy.

The Student Affiliate Chapter at NCSU is a means by which students can become involved in this national organization. Activities include tours of nearby research facilities at the Research Triangle Park, trips to national and regional conferences, a student/faculty mixer to acquaint students with faculty, and presentations by guest speakers covering the entire spectrum of possible fields of study and careers in chemistry or chemistry-related occupations. Other group activities include picnics, outings, and community service projects.

Membership is voluntary and offered to all undergraduates in chemistry or chemistry-related disciplines. Meetings are on the third Monday of each month during the academic year, at 5:00 pm in Dabney 210.

For information on joining, please contact Dr. Phil Brown ( ) or just come to a meeting. Look for the fliers and other ACS information on the bulletin board opposite the elevator on the first floor of Dabney.

Phi Lambda Upsilon- Beta Lambda Chapter

North Carolina State University is proud to have the Beta Lambda Chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon (PLU), the national Honorary Chemical Society. Phi Lambda Upsilon has a chapter at NC State since 1976. The chapter promotes chemistry through the sponsorship of both scholarly and social activities. PLU provides travel fundsfor its members to present research at scientific meetings, reimburses graduate students for the cost of thesis preparation, sponsors a special seminar, and hosts social gatherings for undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in the Chemistry Department. Membership is offered to juniors, seniors, and graduate students in chemistry and related curricula, and is based on academic achievement. We currently have over 30 active members involved in the organization.