The project, entitled “Investigating PFAS occurrence in private wells in North Carolina uniquely impacted by land-applied biosolids using a novel non-targeted analytical workflow”, was successfully completed by Prof. Erin Baker (PI) conjointly with Co-I’s, Prof. Detlef Knappe (Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering), Dr. Nadine Kotlarz (Department of Biological Sciences), Prof. Jane Hoppin (Department of Biological Sciences), and Prof. Catherine LePrevost (Department of Applied Ecology).
The goal of NC State University Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE) Pilot Project Program (PPP) is “to provide support for innovative individual, collaborative and multidisciplinary research aimed at understanding the adverse impacts of environmental factors on human health and disease.”
Again, the Department of Chemistry congratulates Prof. Erin Baker and her collaborators, wishing them the best of luck in their future endeavors!